The Tenth Dragon Emperor of Kralorela.
- He became Emperor after Vashanti's passing on at the Dawn.
- He blessed the Pillars of the Gods
- He meditated for many years on the Dragon's Eye
- He achieved liberation during the Sunstop of 375 ST
- He chose to remain within the world to guide Kralorela.
- The Hidden Dragon was assembled as a plot against him.
- In 768 ST, he was confronted by ShangHsa
- He retired to the Closed Hill to meditate and performed Utuma
- Myriads of distraugt peasants committed suicide hoping to follow him; they were too late and became the Tortured Dead
- His priests, knowing it was too late, fled north to Bliss in Ignorance
- He was replaced by the New Dragons Ring
- He is honored by the Yanoor Pagoda at Tung Shui An
- He ordered the Three Dragon Pagodas to be built at Sanlingta
Sources: Guide to Glorantha, Revealed Mythologies