- They survive mainly by hunting
- They fight with their neighbours all the time.
- They trace their descent through their father.
- They take and sell slaves.
- Their king is Kostajor
- When not in wolfform, they fight primarily with the javelin
- For backup they use the spear or more rarely the shortsword.
- They worship Telmor
- They acknowledge but do not worship:
- Around 1460 ST, they crossed the Creek and drove the Torkani out of their homes.
- They then encountered resistance from Hauberk Jon until Sartar made peace in 1480 ST.
- Sartar brought them a new chief called Ostling Four-wolf who then became King of the Telmori.
- In 1607 ST, they annihilated the Maboder and were tamed by Jomes in 1608 ST
- They supported Kallyr when she became Queen of Sartar.
- They had some sort of quarrel in 1629 ST
- They turned against Prince Argrath and were wiped out, their skins furnishing the Wolfskins regiment.
- They contest the Disputed Lands against the Cinsina, Culbrea and Wulfsland