A city in Sartar.
- Also known as Wilm's Church.
- Designed by Wilm around an open air temple to Orlanth.
- Founded by Sartar to end a war between the Kultain and Locaem on one side and the Balmyr and Sambari on the other.
- Its city ring members are from the following tribes:
- Lunars recently dissolved the Kultain
- It has a population of 2,000
Places of Interest[]
- In 1497 ST, Sartar started a road that led from Jonstown through Boldhome to Wilmskirk
- Tarkalor Trollkiller built a road from Wilmskirk to Duckpoint
- Stormed by the Imperial Guard during the Battle of Wilmskirk in 1602 ST
- The Lunars assembled their army here for the Invasion of Heortland in 1620 ST. The Crimson Bat arrived here after Day 64
- The Lunars reassembled their army here in good order after the Battle of the Auroch Hills in 1622 ST