A marine human race,
- The Waeragi were humans with green or blue skins.
- They had long webbed fingers and toes.
- A subspecies, now extinct, had gills.
- Waertagi are found in
- The Sea of Brithos
- Sogolotha Mambrola in Akem
- The Edrenlin Isles in Maslo
- The City of Temissrah in Fonrit
- The Daria Istos in Togaro Ocean
- They admired courage, eloquence and deep philosophy.
- They admired love and valued kinship.
- Leading each ship was the Sivis, the ship's captain
- There was a strict tradition about which decisions the captain could make and which were decided by the adult crew.
- The Sivis could decide how to fight a monster or weather a storm
- The crew could decide where to trade or go to war.
- The political hierarchy was based on crewing functions.
- They were allied to the Brithini
- Brithos was one of the few lands they had never plundered.
- The Triolini considered them as one of their own, however the Gnydron, Ysabbau and Sea Trolls still hated them.
- The Waertagi used sea creatures in war.
- They were known to use
- Whales and Plesiosaurs for attacking ships
- Giant Crabs for shore raids.
- Undines for swamping ships and forts alike.
- The Waertagi worshipped the Invisible God, Triolina, Manthi, Natea, Daliath, Framanthe and Magasta
- They initiated their children by submerging them beneath a ship until a magical guardian rescued them.
Golden Age[]
- One of the six tribes of Danmalastan
- They were descended from Waertag
- They specialized in seafaring and ships.
- They made Waveshimmer, the first Dragonship from a True Dragon
- They lived in in the Northernmost of Danmalastan.
Storm Age[]
- They had a port in what is now the Sog Marsh
Dawn Age[]
- They were allied with Brithos
- They had 500 ships including 50 Dragonships
- They raided Fronela after the Dawn
- They attacked the Seshnegi between 185 ST and 191 ST
Imperial Age[]
- The Waertagi lost several early battles to the Eastern Seas Empire
- While preparing for a campaign in the east, they were challenged by the Jrusteli Confederation
- The Jrusteli destroyed the main Waertagi forces at the battle of Tanian's Victory
- The Closing drove some Dragonships ashore while several more joined together and sailed down Magasta's Pool
Modern Age[]
- A Waertagi fleet has reportedly returned from the Black Ocean and is seeking Brithos