First king of the Vingkotlings.
- Also known as Vingkot Orlanthsson, Vingkot the King, Vingkot the Victorious and Vingkot the Champion.
- Son of Orlanth and Janerra Alone of the On Jorri People.
- He won fame by the Three Tasks and won for himself the Twin Wives, the daughters of Tada and Esrola.
- He created the first Staple Ring and named Khalmon, Hantrafal, Dagordi, Kerona, Hohenla and Ebfurya to it.
- When Vadrus contested his title, Vingkot defeated the Vadrudi and drove the Ice away.
- He fought the Darkmen and the Icemen
- He fought the Dara Happans
- He slew the Dragon Zaranforis
- He fought at the Battle of the Trembling Shore.
- He fought Worcha in the Seriasdora but was defeated.
- With the Summer Wife, he had three sons - Kodig, Hengall and Korol Kandoros - and two daughters - Vestene and Orgovale
- With the Winter Wife, he had two sons - Janard and Jorganos - and three daughters - Penene, Infithe and Redayle.
- He seized the lands of Adoren, Selus, Sivilis, Sevid, Bilon and Velun from the sea.
- He went to fight alone against the Chaos Man but was mortally wounded.
- Because he was partly immortal, he could not die and so was cremated.
Sources: Book of Heortling Mythology, King of Sartar