The Ninth Dragon Emperor of Kralorela.
- He succeeded Vayobi
- Before he was Emperor, he spread the Infinite throughout Kralorela
- He created the Web of Righteous Knowledge to allow devotees to take exams for government posts.
- He organized the Grand Army
- He summoned the Sea Gods to proect the navy
- He opened the Imperial Temples throughout Kralorela.
- He invaded Vormain and occupied it for a century before retreating.
- He performed Utuma and returned the Viceroys of Day and Night from the Underworld
- This caused the Dawn
- He departed to rule the celestial realm (not Summerland Heaven?)
- He was succeeded by Yanoor.
- He sent the Three Virtuous Husbands to marry the Three Ancestor Goddesses of Haicheng
- He built the Pillars of the Gods
- He tamed the Kuwai Tan Kang River
Sources: Revealed Mythologies, Guide to Glorantha