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Glorantha Wiki

The Dara Happan Empire under Carmanian and Lunar Rule


  • Bisoshan created in it in 1185 ST to distinguish himself from the other sons of Cartavar
  • His actions first caused outrage but then was accepted by his father, leading to his succession as Shah in 1193 ST
  • When Bisoshan died in 1207 ST, Endarkus became Emperor revolting against Bisosdakar in the same year.
  • Endarkus was killed in battle in 1215 ST and Bisosdakar became Emperor having already been Shah.
  • In 1220 ST, Bisosdakar abdicated his position as Emperor in favour of Spengatha
  • His reasons for doing so are not given but he ruled as Shah until 1233 ST.
  • Spengatha abdicated in 1235 ST and was replaced by a pro-Lunar kinsman Yelmgatha
  • Yelmgatha ruled to 1250 ST having appointed the Red Emperor as a co-Emperor in 1247 ST.
  • After Yelmgatha's death, Vinyargatha seems to have become Emperor.
  • Vinyargatha is described as the first of the Outlaw Emperors yet his reign lasted twenty years.
  • It seems more plausible that he ruled the Tripolis and resisted the rule of the Red Emperor
  • The next Emperor, Vinyardavu lead an open revolt which lasted some 15 years to 1285 ST
  • After that the Tripolis seems to have been dissolved as a polity and replaced by the satrapies of Silver Shadow, Kostaddi and First Blessed

