Glorantha Wiki

Triolini is a word collective forms of life in the sea.

Merfolk are group of semi humanoid sea beings. Immortals live in the depths of the Ocean, lesser races live closer to sea level.


  • The Tritons are direct children of Mirintha and Phargon. There are ten clans of Tritons, one for each of the ten children.
  • The Niiads are the lesser offspring of the Tritons.
  • During the Gods War, the niiads of seven of the tritonic clans mated with Storm Deities and gave birth to the merfolk. The merfolk fall into two types; the Piscoi and the Cetoi. The difference between the two is that the mothers of the Cetoi were friends with the Storm Deities while the Piscoi mothers had a hostile relationship.
  • The Zabdamar are considered to be one of the seven kindreds.




