Glorantha Wiki

In 1443 ST, Kostaddi abandoned the Lunar Empire for Sheng Seleris.

  • For this they are treated poorly in the Lunar Empire.
  • The cause was said to be the wrestling match between the Red Emperor and Sheng Seleris back in 1389 ST and hidden by Sheng in a ruby-throated humming bird in the Gardens of Karresh.
  • Comment: The official explanation has a number of problems which boils down to the central question - why? Why did Sheng wait an entire 54 years to unleash this curse when he has already killed the Red Emperor once again (and done a better job in the process) and even had killed Godunya in the previous year? A large part of the problem is the unsatisfactory nature of the outline of the Seleran Wars in the Redline History.

Source: Guide to Glorantha
