A mythical Mostali Country in what is now Jrustela
- It was created around Piparovor Mountain
- After the Aldryami defeated the Mostali in a contest against the Mostali, it was fenced off and Latsom kept everybody out.
- This fencing off happened late in the Golden Age
- Vadel however had friends there who gave him the Iron Energy Prison.
- Although afterwards the friendship vanished.
- Some Malkioni then attempted to drown Thakarn with a summoned flood.
- The mostali thwarted this plan with a huge wall shaped like a prow of a ship that forced the flood around Thakarn and made it an Island.
- They then caused the Land Rising which dried out all seas between the Senbanth Sea and Chir save for the Bosa Sea which was intended for raw materials.
- When Zarstorestav received a warning from Lord Vand of the Northern Vadeli that the Tadeniti were going to attack them, they allied with the Vadeli and defeated their foes.
- They then built the Awesome Bridge over the Senbanth River to Parendal Island
- There Ceremonial Master Jewel of Silver made friends with vand and together they built the Mammoth Elephantine Wall
- After the destruction of the Spike, Zzabur sent his Great Spell against the Mostali.
- The spell bounced off Thakarn, moving it slightly and making the historical continent of Jrustela
Sources: Revealed Mythologies, Middle Sea Empire (Book)