A late Prince of Sartar
- Son of Markalor
- He was born in 1570 ST
- He was a Sage of Lhankor Mhy
- He had pretentions of being the Philosopher King
- Ended Starbrow's Revolt
- He was installed as Prince by the Lunar Occupation
- He was never able to rekindle the Flame of Sartar and thus not crowned.
- Interested in Iron Statuary of the Brithini before the Imperial Age
- Fell in love with Estal Donge
- In either 1613 or 1614, he lost his household and was defended by Lunars
- Soon afterwards, he became dependent solely on the Lunars for protection.
- He was unfit to rule.
- Murdered by Humakti led by Sarostip Cold-Eye in 1624 ST