Prince of Sartar and King of Dragon Pass
- Son of Saronil Goodstone and Soaratta
- With Dorasa (probably before he began to travel south), he had one son, Terasarin (Born in 1541 ST).
- Around 1550 ST, he was in a feud with the Kitori.
- He befriended Night Jumpers at that time
- He made alliance with the new created cult of Yelmalio led by Monrogh.
- He was called Trollkiller by these events.
- Crowned in 1569 ST
- He built the Royal Road from Wilmskirk to Duckpoint, opened the trade route to the Kethaela
- He built the Whitewall Road
- He defeated Penterest Orldagsson in 1577 ST.
- In 1579 ST, he recognized that the Yelmalio cult was legal possessor of the lands of the Amber Fields and Forthanland
- He married with the Feathered Horse Queen "Mother of Lands"
- He became the King of Dragon Pass, thwarting the strategy of Phargentes.
- With the Queen, he had a son called Saraskos.
- He was killed in 1582 ST at the Battle of Grizzly Peak along with Dorasa.
- His bodyguard was Huvendars
Source: King of Sartar