Glorantha Wiki

Parentage of Seas[]

As shown by the example of the Solkathi, which came into Gloranhta a lot earlier than Sedlazam (early 4th Action, as opposed to 5th Action), I think this "child of" means "takes substance of" or "is fed by" rather than actual genealogy. Jorganos 11:24, September 7, 2011 (UTC)

Your opinion above sounds like that of God Learners. Terra incognita 10:05, September 9, 2011 (UTC)

You mean I have been reading too much MRQ 2nd Age material?

If the Worcha myth in Heortling Mythology is correct, a child takes both substance and energy from its parents (in Worcha's case, the four surrounding seas). Looking at that map and the corresponding Danmalastan map, we find Solkathi further west, then Slarelos, then Worcha or its precedessor before some of the Dureving Lands were reclaimed, and (naturally) no sign yet of Sedlazam. Solkathi was a child of Sshorg (the Raging Sea) or Slarelos (or both) when it arrived at Danmalastan and was boiled (along with its cargo of beakies). Jorganos 13:22, September 9, 2011 (UTC)