Peter, I suppose you want to remove the major region category "Kerandaruth".
If I understand correctly, you want to make the region as the buffer region between "Tanyen"(Vithelan Culture) and "Verenela" (Genertelan East). Verenela is not mentioned in Genertela Crucible.
If you let me go on my way, "Kralorela" (which is formerly Kerandaruth) is remained as a major region, inland of the land(fomrerly labelled as Kralorela) is relabelled as "Draconic Kralorela" (Governed by Kralori Empire). Ignorance and Koromandol are outer regions of "Kralorela".
Just a humble opinion.Terra incognita 03:40, June 6, 2010 (UTC)
Verenela is mentioned in the Glorantha Intro and in the Players Book to Glorantha (Glorantha: Crucible) p23 the lands are grouped together, (although its called Kralorela). Since Veren means Beauty in Teshnan (HeroQuest p57) and the ancient kingdom in Shavaya's time was also known as the Land of Splendor, it's a small stretch to expand the name to encompass the lands northwards.
Kerandaruth on the other hand had a problem in that it referred to the lands ruled by Shavaya and Kerandaruthi looked positively awful compared to the rest of the regional adjectives (Seshnelan, Pelorian etc)
Draconic Kralorela has a problem in that the name is too long and when used as an adjective (draconic kralori versus kralori) looks confusing. Eastern Genertela is similarly unpersuasive as a result.
I'm not pretending that my solution is perfect rather it's the least worst solution that I can think of. It won't get too crowded as there were something like only four countries in the old Kerandaruthi region (Kralorela, Ignorance, Shan Shan and Koromandol) and putting it with Verenela makes a grand total of eight countries.
For similar reasons, I've remade Prax and Pent into countries so that when we use Praxian and Pentan, we refer to what everybody thinks the terms should refer to.
Metcalph 06:40, June 6, 2010 (UTC)
Major Regions[]
In my feeling, Verenela is a small region which covers only small south tip of the Kralorela.
Both of Genertela and Anaxial Roster use the nine regions for categorization. (It might be different in name, like calling Verenela which was Teshnos, but divisions are same.)
Removing Pent and Kralorela is a drastic change I think for the categorization of this wiki is greatly geographical based.
But I am not sure about the pov of readers(not editors) about the importance of Regional Categories. So I wait more about the reaction of itTerra incognita 07:58, June 6, 2010 (UTC)