Glorantha Wiki

It would be a good idea IMHO to have a definition of Post Canonical and Canonical. I think the categorisation is a good one, but may be confusing for newcomers.

Sciencefish (talk) 09:40, July 31, 2017 (UTC)

With magzines, I would like to suggest a hyperlinked issue number as well. If this is to be a useful reference it has to direct to a specific publication, not a pile of them.

Sciencefish (talk) 09:49, July 31, 2017 (UTC)

Agree with the above. Is postcanonical even the right term here? Doesn't that mean something written after the canon stuff, when what we're talking about here is earlier stuff that has been dropped as canon? I do agree it's good to separate out the canon vs non-canon though.

SteveHammatt (talk) 10:08, July 31, 2017 (UTC)

Also, I think that page references (which I originally added) are useful, especially for those books that don't have good contents pages.

SteveHammatt (talk) 10:16, July 31, 2017 (UTC)

While I think page numbers are a good idea, it then gets down to making sure the correct edition is referenced etc, so adding them to the wiki may be a monumental heroquest in itself.

Sciencefish (talk) 10:41, July 31, 2017 (UTC)

I am not so enthusiastic on the need for page numbers given that with searchable PDFs, the relevant text can be found. In any case the reference to the page number should properly belong on the page of the relevant quest and not in the general list of heroquests.

I am leery of having the page as the appearance of a telephone directory. Reading the lists of quests in the Arcane Lore section gives an example of what I mean.

There is also a technical question which the quest having three distinct but related meanings.

1) A ritual quest (ie the Lightbringers' Quest) and variations (the Short Lightbringers' Quest)

2) A specific quest (ie Harmast's Lightbringers Quest as opposed to Argrath's)

3) An experimental heroquest (ie the Three New Stars quest) which generally isn't repeated.

Metcalph (talk) 03:47, August 1, 2017 (UTC)

Thanks for the clarification Peter.

There is also the issue of quests that are mentioned, but have no substance. There's one in the Eleven Lights page 31 - “ The Testing of Red Cow Fort”.

Sciencefish (talk) 08:58, August 1, 2017 (UTC)  
