Glorantha Wiki

Anmarngarn left the Colymar Land probably just before the HeroWars, (Campaigns of the Sartar Rising.) Sartar scenario treats before the coming Storm.Terra incognita 03:03, April 24, 2010 (UTC)

Difference between around 1610 and 1620[]

I am not sure about Ernaldori. Terra incognita 03:10, April 24, 2010 (UTC)

The Ernaldori and Anmarngarn (shown as Black Spear) Clans are shown in the Colymar map in Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes p283 Metcalph 03:26, April 24, 2010 (UTC).

Looking at the Gathering Thunder p16, the Black Oak is described as being settled on lands traditionally belonging to the Colymar king and lands seized from the Black Spear. It does not in and off itself describe the Black Spear clan has no longer belonging to the Colymar tribe. S:KoH p276 describes only the warriors of the Black Spear Clan has having retreated into the wilds (while the Black Oaks are described as a brotherhood rather than a clan - don't bother changing it as it's valid to describe it as a clan). For that reason, I'm inclined to put the Anmargarn as being within the Colymar tribe. Metcalph 03:43, April 24, 2010 (UTC)