A mythical Country in Peloria
- Named after Suvar
- It lay in what is now Doblian
- Its capital was Suvargar City
- It was ruled by a King who was advised by Damuski shamans.
- The Old Ones asked Survargar for help against the Ram People
- The people had worshipped Perakosus
- They lost the power to contact him since the Sons of Verondum went away with the knowledge of the Old Songs
- The Old Ones revealed they knew the missing songs.
- The King had Banded Fighters
- The King sent his fighters with the Old Ones to the a shrine where the Old Man slept.
- When the Ram People came, the Old Man woke as Arketos and destroyed them.
- Some time later, Suvargar aided the Old Ones against the Erlandings
- They aided in a third invasion against the Cold Ones which made three mountains.
Source: Glorious ReAscent