In the Autumnal Equinox of 375 ST, the Sun stopped in the Sky.
- In Esrolia, the New Life Beginnings was performed in Sacred Ezel
- In Fronela, the Sun's army was threatening Malkioni Lands.
- In Dorastor the God Project was nearing completion.
- In Kralorela, Yanoor was meditating on a mysterious rune.
- Garanian Auroch tied Arachne Solara to her net.
- In Pamaltela the Aldryami were stricken by a terrible blight.
- A Cog popped, halting the World Machine.
- The Cosmic Compromise was breached.
- The consequences were dramatic.
- The Lesser Red Planet rose in the sky.
- The Mostali launched a huge balloon, Zenith to act as an observation platform to guide cables to tow the sun back on its path.
- The Fronelan Sun's army was stricken with despair and defeated.
- Yanoor unwittingly called upon the rune to shine upon him and became enlightened.
- The Aldryami of Pamaltela were healed by the extra daylight to resist the blight.
- A great net was thrown over the sun and a huge shadow, said by some to be a spider eventually occluded it before the sun moved on.
- In Dorastor, the Perfect God Nysalor was born.
- In Brithos, Arkat was born.
Sources: Glorantha Sourcebook, Guide to Glorantha