- They number 140,000
- They have been united under Greymane since 1609 ST.
- They are wealthy from Esrolian plunder.
- Currently the country is run by Greymane's sons: Hardral and Varstari
- Based on the population, there are:
- 39,200 Orlanthi
- 5,600 Helerings
- 28,000 Ernaldans
- 14,000 Esrolans
- 1,400 Maran Gor worshippers
- 1,400 Asrelians
- 1,400 Babeester Gor worshippers
- 4,200 Chalanans
- 1,400 Eurmali
- 5,600 Issarites:
- 2,800 Lhankorings
- 7,000 Ancestor worshippers
- 2,800 Humakti
- 1,400 Storm Bull worshippers
- 2,800 Argan Argar worshippers
- 2,800 Volcano Twins worshippers
- 1,400 Lodril worshippers
- 2,800 Invisible God worshippers
- 7,000 Mraloti