- A lengthy siege of Whitewall that took place during the Lunar Invasion of Heortland
- It lasted from 1619 ST to 1621 ST
- The Lunar Empire finally took the city.
- The Volsaxi were sworn foes of the Lunar Empire
- They had to be defeated to consolidate the Lunar conquest of Heortland.
- As the last free Orlanthi in and around Dragon Pass, their defeat would kill Orlanth.
Lunar Empire[]
- Jorkandros Blinder
- Tatius the Bright
- The Crimson Bat
- Broyan of Whitewall the High King
- Kallyr Starbrow
- Leika Ballista
- The Crimson Bat attacked but was driven off with heavy losses.
- Jorkandros Blinder was dismissed for failure and replaced by Tatius
- The Lunars finally stormed the city in 1621 ST
- The Lunar victory killed Orlanth, causing the Windstop.
- Broyan, Kallyr and Leika survived.