A Dark Troll kingdom in Kethaela
- Also known as the Kingdom of Night or the Kitori Empire historically.
- It has a population of 41,000, of which 6,000 live in cities.
Gray Age[]
- It ruled Kethaela from the Great Darkness to the Modern Age
- Throughout much of its history, it was ruled by Ezkankekko
- It ruled other countries through the Shadow Tribute which had its origin in agreements Ezkankekko and other people made in the Great Darkness.
Dawn Age[]
- Its rule was interrupted by the Bright Empire
- Arkat restored the Shadow Tribute
- Renewed collection of the tribute caused much unrest and led to the Tax Slaughter
Imperial Age[]
- It survived the Imperial Age with careful diplomacy between the God Learners and the EWF.
- It appears not to have intervened when the Hendriki invaded Dark Esrolia.
Modern Age[]
- Ezkankekko was overthrown by Belintar who then incorporated the Shadowlands into the Holy Country