A race of Chaotic Man-scorpions.
- Also known as Scorpionmen and Bagogi
- They have humanoid upper body and the lower body of a giant scorpion (including the stinger)
- They eat sentients.
- They are relatively unintelligent.
- They are found in the Wastelands, Dorastor, Snakepipe Hollow and the Foulblood Woods
- They have been extant in Peloria since the Golden Age
- They have been seen in the Shan Shan
- They usually flock in warbands around one superior scorpionfolk.
- They serve the Scorpion Queens
- They live in small villages
- They fight with clubs and their stingers.
- They occassionally swarm over nearby lands.
- They gained knowledge and power from eating their foes.
- They worship Bagog.
- They hate all non-chaotics.
- They are friendly with Broos