One of the major crops of Genertela.
- Three types are known in Peloria: the Sweet Rice, the Fat Rice and the Hardy Rice
- In Dara Happa, the Goddesses of Rice are Everina and Biselenslib
- They are grown by the Wet People
- Rice is a ubiquitous.
- The goddess of rice is Miyo
- Rice is a major crop
Eastern Isles[]
- Terraced rice paddies are on the isle of Avaranboth
- Chaiya is surrounded by rice paddies.
- The [{Queen of Fereva]] receives a tenth part of every rice harvest on the island.
- Krothering is surrounded by rice fields.
- Matajab controls the rice fields of the Solo Valley
- Savaronabhumy is rich in rice.
- Rice is a primary crop in Safelster
- Grown by the Peasants there.
- The favourite crop.
- The city of Dodungu in Melib is surrounded by rice paddies.
- The Kasilung Festival is favoured by the rice farmers of Kasilung
- The Holy Goddess Temple at Mellon worships in part rice.
- The Thoskalian city of Sipuni and Tang Lata are surrounded by rice paddies.
- The city of Taksatar celebrates the Rice Harvest Festival
- Gargosganda is rich in rice.
- Joboro is surrounded by rice fields.
- Rice is grown in the Thinokos City of Ovon
- The Sedalpists grow rice.