Emperor of the Lunar Empire.
- Son of the Red Goddess.
- He is first noted as appearing at Castle Blue before the Battle where he was slain by Alakoring
- Although called the Scarlet Warlord then, he is later described as being the first of them indicating his true identity.
- He has had many incarnations.
Mask of the Red Emperor[]
- At first the incarnations or masks were consistent; this mask is known as TakenEgi
- After the Seleran Wars the Red Emperor changed; whenever he was killed, he appeared in a radically different mask:
- Magnificus
- Artifex
- Voracius
- Venerabilis
- Robustus
- Celestinus
- Militaris
- Reclusus
- Ignifer
- Argenteus
- Phargentes the Younger
- A Mask that was killed by Argrath in the Battle of Molarisor and eaten by Sheng Seleris
Other Rulers[]
- A regent in Glamour before the reign of Phargentes is mentioned in A History of My Black Horse Troop and the Takenegi Stele, the latter of which refers to him as the Usurper.
- He is worshiped as the embodiment of the Empire
- He doesn't provide any specialized magic.
- A few of the ruling class are rewarded by his special favors, special tasks and the highest positions.