A Dara Happan city in the Silver Shadow Satrapy
- On the confluence of Joat and Oslir Rivers.
- Seat of the Dara Happan Emperors.
- Only the Bridge of Seven Luxites crosses the river between the city and East Raibanth
- Yuthubars can be seen here by the pure.
- It is centred on Yelm's Footstool
- Within is the Great Statue of Raibamus, the largest in Peloria
Golden Age[]
- Home to Murharzarm
- He named his son Raibamus to be its governor and guardian.
Storm Age[]
- Anaxial was enthroned here after the Flood
- The city was blessed by Antirius and nurtured by Dendara
- The city brought the Cloak of Justice to Anaxial's enthronement.
- Emperor Urvairinus built the Temple of Sagittus
Chaos Age[]
- The Elevens seized control of the city forcing its evacuation.
- Dugoloth shielded many at Dugolothokon
Gray Age[]
- Jenarong discovered the ruins of Raibanth and brought it back to life.
- It was ruled by King Dinzered then.
- He raised the Temple to Gamara to replace the Temple to Veng
- He rebuilt the Dayzatar Temple
- He admitted the Urstenni into the city.
Dawn Age[]
- Emperor Vuranostum allowed Perkonius to open the Lodril Temple
- The Veshtargos tribe attacked the city but Vuranostum defeated them.
- The city became an island because of floods in the reign of Emperor Huradabba
- Huradabba left the city and the floods subsided.
- Yelm's Real Tower then appeared atop the Footstool when Huradabba was killed.
- Emperor Dardaggus had the heads of World Council Missionaries taken to the city be laid in rows along the Route of Yelm
- Avivath slew Dardaggus in the Imperial Market
- In 112 ST, Gestornus tried to become Emperor but Philekka opened the walls allowing Kerunebbe to kill Gestornus and plunder the city.
- Khormesha the Sage raised the Temple to Antirius in Raibanth at the Shaft of Light, challenging Emperor Illardarga.
- Illardarga then besieged the city and sent a demon to break the walls.
- The demon was wounded and banished and the besiegers forced to leave due to disease.
- Raibanth was ruled by the Lord of Raibanth at this time.
- In 185 ST, Lodrili priests at the request of Illardarga summoned a quake which broke the city walls for a second time.
- Illardarga's horde then plundered the city while the temple to Antirius was also destriyed at the cost of Illardarga's own life.
- The city was never lost by Emperor Viramakradda
- During the March of the Ten Princes, the city was occupied to the Two-Spear Men who killed anybody who would deliver it to the Ten Princes.
- The city joined the Ten Princes after Naveria.
- Emperor Anirestyu surrendered to the Theyalans atop the Footstool in 450 ST
Imperial Age[]
- The Theyalan occupiers ruled from the Citadel of Raibanth
- The Citadel was stormed in the Naxus Rebellion
- The city was besieged three times by the Spolite Empire during the reign of Desikanir
- Denesiod slew Verendekelm to become Emperor in 690 ST
- Emperor Elmexdros organized a Great Court at the city which entertained even the EWF.
- The Menagerie Temple was built.
- Karvanyar liberated the city from the EWF in 913 ST
Modern Age[]
- Shah Cartavar conquered the city.
- Endarkus was appointed Overseer of Raibanth
- He revolted with the City's help against Shah Bisoshan
- As a result of Endarkus's defeat, the Carmanians slew ten thousand people of the city.
- Spengatha fled from the City in 1235 ST when he sensed Yelmgatha's impending enthronement.
- The Carmanians tried to seize the city to stop Yelmgatha but failed.
- Yelmgatha then financed the reconstruction of the Temple to Dendara in Raibanth
- TakenEgi was enthroned at the Footstool in 1248 ST
- After 1308 ST, TakenEgi descended into Hell with the aid of beggars from the City.
- In 1460 ST, Magnificus undertook the Ten Tests at Raibanth after doubts from the nobles that he was truly the Red Emperor
- In 1506 ST, the nobility of Raibanth wanted to make their High Priest the new Emperor but he withdrew under pressure from Artifex
- Emperor Reclusus instigated a purge.