A Quinpolic County
- Its inhabitants are Agimori
- The name comes from Pithdarans which means Army of Justice.
- It is ruled by the Count of Pithdaros
- Currently this is Jahiz
- They arrived here in 719 ST wanting to fight the Bad God whom they called Bolongo.
- Ullmal persuaded them that their enemy was the Dark Empire but after a few battles, they realized they had been fooled.
- Comment: They may have met the Loper People in battle and recognized them.
- In response, they seized the land that is now Pithdaros to wait for the return of the Bad God.
- The tales of their home were widely mocked by Derenralar but yet provided impetus to explore Pamaltela.
- They refused to march against Frontem .
- They produced many virtuous clerics, powerful magicians and wise advisors.
- Yomili came from here.