A species of humanoid amphibians, seemingly related to Dragonewts
- 7,000 live in the Bottomland Marsh in the Holy Country
- The Newtlings have three stages: young, bachelor and adult.
- Newtling young are like giant tadpoles and live in water.
- They are unintelligent in this stage and have three gills on their necks.
- A newtling spends a year and a half in this stage before it metamorphoses into a bachelor.
- Bachelors are sexually immature newtlings.
- Their skin is thick and rough allowing them to survive in dry climates.
- In addition, they can store water in the fat of their tails.
- Most newtlings met by outsiders are bachelors.
- When a bachelor turns thirty, it matures sexually and becomes an adult.
- The skin becomes softer and can no longer withstand dry climates.
- The tail loses its ability to store water and becomes more useful for swimming.
- Newtling society is centred upon the adults raising the young.
- Bachelors are often exiled from their community until they mature
- This is no great hardship for the batchelors are quite curious.
- Newtlings worship their ancestors.
- Only adults are allowed into these mysteries
- Spiritually inclined bachelors often follow other traditions and cults in their wanderings.
- Many of these worship local river gods.
- The Newtlings say they were born in the primal mud of creation.
- Newtling tails are a delicacy.
- Dragonewts often use newtlings as slaves.
- The primary reason for this is that Newtlings can understand Auld Wyrmish better than most other species.