King of Tarsh and King of Dragon Pass
- He was born in 1558 ST as a son of Phargentes.
- He was not a warrior but a great magician.
- He became King of Tarsh when his father died in 1579 ST
- He founded the Lunar Provincial University.
- He married Harsta Blacktooth and had a son, Pharandros.
- He married the Feathered Horse Queen "Riches Without Tears" and became King of Dragon Pass.
- He had a daughter with her Inkarne born in 1605 ST
- He had another son, Phargentes the Younger, with Jar-eel.
- He died in 1610 ST.
- About the problem of the years of his life, see Problems in Tarshite History.
Sources: Guide to Glorantha, King of Sartar