Lunar Academy in the Lunar Provinces.
- Founded by King Moirades.
- Mentioned in the Composite History of Dragon Pass
- The date of its foundation is unclear but the Composite History suggests that it was after the Battle of Grizzly Peak in 1582 ST
- Its foundation seems to have been in a response to a famine downriver which in turn caused an influx of impoverished scholars and merchants into Tarsh.
- it gave preference to applicants from the Lunar Provinces as opposed to the Lunar Heartlands
- It is described then as being situated in Mirin's Cross
- By 1625 ST, it had shifted to Furthest and is described as not being in a specific place within the city.
- Comment: The different locations may have been to an unstated event that caused the campus to shift cities
Source: King of Sartar, RuneQuest: Glorantha