A Slontan city.
- Probably related to the Lukae Tribe that lived in Jadnor
- Capital of Denoril
- Founded by King Herolal but this may be in error
- In 410 ST, united the fellow cities of Sostor, Sintinth and Herelia after departure of the World Council armies.
- In 415 ST, it was overrun by the troops of Palangio.
- In 429 ST, it revolted against Palangio but the revolt was crushed and the rebels fled to Kaxtorplose.
- In the Imperial Age, it was ruled by a High Lord.
- During Emperor Svagad's reign, it had dominated its neighbours
- Emperor Svagad made its ruler Martien de Lukae the first Archduke of Slontos
- It was devastated during the Seven Hurricane Years
- It was destroyed in 1050 ST
Sources: History of the Heortling Peoples, Guide to Glorantha