Queen of the Colymar Tribe
- Also known as Beti Leika or Leika Ballista
- Daughter of Orlkensor Londrosson of the Taraling Clan
- She has a boon companion in Asborn Thriceborn
- She has grudges against Kallyr but acknowledges authority
- She was aided in her exile by Sara Goodseller and Kerisdana Hollybright
- She earned the name Ballista when she accompanied the Wooden Sword into the Caves of Chaos in Shakepipe Hollow
- After Starbrow's Revolt, she raided the Caves of Chaos again and returned with the harp Jeweled Notes.
- For this, she was acclaimed queen to replace the exiled Kallai Rockbuster
- Blackmor exiled her in 1615 ST with Lunar help.
- She took the Black Spear with her into exile.
- She lived with King Broyan of Whitewall
- She helped defeat the Crimson Bat at Whitewall
- In the Fire Season of 1625 ST, she survived the magical assault from the Lunar College of Magic that killed Broyan.
- She returned to Sartar to foment rebellion.
- She returned to power in 1625 ST after the Dragonrise
- She fought at the Battle of the Queens in 1626 ST
- She drove off Pharandros and his army after Kallyr was killed.
- She then went to Boldhome to try to become the new Prince of Sartar
- The other tribes refused to back her.
- After three weeks, she had Kallyr's body burnt and then left Boldhome.
- She was killed at the Battle of Hound Knob in 1638 ST