A tribal confederation around the cities of Voranel, Urnandle and Endeel in Talastar.
- Originally based around Varknathendar.
- Lanisti of the Nine Clans abandoned the tribal life and built the cities.
- Liberated by Lokamayadon from Mahzanelm of Dara Happa.
- Their warlord was generally a descendant of Kulebras, son of Gwalynkus and wielder of Ironbreaker
- Site of the Treaty of Lakrene in which Dara Happa joined the World Council of Friends.
- They send a warband to the Battle of Night and Day under Tulathtan the Bronze.
- During the reign of Khorzanelm the Magnificent, subject to the Empire of Light centered in Dorastor but not part of it.
- Fell to Vorwaha after killing Orlankor. Vorwaha collected tribute
- During the reign of Anirinelm, an independent state surrounded by the Seven Tribes
- During the reign of Denesiod, an independent state.
- During the reign of Elmexdros, conquered by Darjiin
- During the reign of Elmatryan, regained independence.
- Conquered by the EWF in 850 ST.
- Ravaged by a chaos horde under Ralzakark after the Dragonkill
- Shown as an enlarged state during the reigns of Endarkus and Bisodakar.
- Invaded by a chaos horde under Undranda after the Moonburn in the First Wane.
- Invaded by the Mad Sultanate after he was released from Tork in the Seleran Wars.
- Opand was recognized as King of Talastar.
- After a defeat by the Hrodar of Bilini, Lakrene became part of DaraNi.
- Supported Varnarn of Cafol's attempts convert the Orlanthi of Talastar.
Sources: History of the Heortling Peoples, Dorastor: Land of Doom, Fortunate Succession