- Originally used to the subjects and friends of Ezkankekko during the Gray Age, the term was used to describe even the Unity Council and the Heortlings
- By the time of the Second Council, only Ezkankekko's friends who lived in Kethaela were considered Kitori.
- Finally after the Battle of Night and Day, the Kitori had become a distinct tribe of darkness worshipping humans.
Dawn Age[]
- The Kitori tribe began when Varzor Kitor taught everybody who would listen what he had learned from Ezkankekko.
- Ezkankekko made the Kitori the intermediaries in his empire, allowing them to collect the Shadow Tribute.
- They resisted Gbaji and supported Arkat.
- There was division when Varzor Zator tried to make everybody worship Zorak Zoran
Imperial Age[]
- Due to their support of Arkat, the ranks of the Kitori grew with addition of the Black Arkati.
- In addition, Arkat gave many honors and privileges to Ezkankekko who in turn devolved them onto the Kitori to administer.
- The severity of these taxes and anti-Arkati agitation caused considerable violence and lead to the Tax Slaughter
- For example, Krengen Bik levied double taxation upon the Hendriki but was thwarted by King Barakar
- As a result, Ezkankekko had no further need for the Kitori and dismissed them from his service.
Modern Age[]
- During the Inhuman Occupation of the Dragon Pass, the Kitori lived in the the Upper Marzeel Valley, Forthanland and the Vusvan Valley.
- They supported Ezkankekko against the Pharaoh and badly hurt in defeat. The Pharaoh did not take further action against them but it is unclear whether they submitted to the Holy Country.
- When the Volsaxi seized Whitewall in 1340 ST, the Holy Country sent the Kitori aid.
- They killed the Volsaxi King Orvanlanth in 1365 ST when he refused to make the Ten Shadow Sacrifices. The shadow sacrifices continued and were responsible for the Verlanth's defeat by Andrin the Lucky.
- After the death of King Darsten of the Volsaxi in 1460 ST, the Kitori took advantage of the Volsaxi weakness and imposed the Double Sacrifice upon them.
- This lasted until Tarkalor Trollkiller defeated King Vurgunzon with the help of the Night Jumpers and the Sun Dome Templars.
- The majority of Kitori fled to the Kitori Wilds but many were captured and made slaves of Vaantar. The Bacofi received the Upper Marzeel while the Sun Domers received Forthanland