Glorantha Wiki


Dawn Age[]

  • The Kitori tribe began when Varzor Kitor taught everybody who would listen what he had learned from Ezkankekko.
  • Ezkankekko made the Kitori the intermediaries in his empire, allowing them to collect the Shadow Tribute.
  • They resisted Gbaji and supported Arkat.
  • There was division when Varzor Zator tried to make everybody worship Zorak Zoran

Imperial Age[]

  • Due to their support of Arkat, the ranks of the Kitori grew with addition of the Black Arkati.
  • In addition, Arkat gave many honors and privileges to Ezkankekko who in turn devolved them onto the Kitori to administer.
  • The severity of these taxes and anti-Arkati agitation caused considerable violence and lead to the Tax Slaughter
  • For example, Krengen Bik levied double taxation upon the Hendriki but was thwarted by King Barakar
  • As a result, Ezkankekko had no further need for the Kitori and dismissed them from his service.

Modern Age[]

