Glorantha Wiki

The Kings of the Hendriki.

1Hendrik the Free  439 ST
2Selelmal 439 ST 448 ST
3Aventus 448 ST 464 ST
4Desenderus 464 ST 469 ST
5Aventevus 469 ST 477 ST
6Dinorth of the Hendriki 477 ST 494 ST
7Dinelmal 494 ST 506 ST
8Dathnorth 506 ST 519 ST
9Barakar 519 ST 526 ST
10Darserian 526 ST 545 ST
11Desental 545 ST 570 ST
12Beresrolar 570 ST 585 ST
13Vanrolar the Challenger 585 ST 610 ST
14Darolar 610 ST 630 ST
15Vanrolar the Horseman 630 ST 640 ST
16Orgar and OrstandelUnknownUnknown
17Orlmorth UnknownUnknown
18Kendranda UnknownUnknown
19Denveste UnknownUnknown
20Esrolmanar 700 ST 715 ST
21Esrolakar 715 ST 730 ST
22Esrolnestan 730 ST 737 ST
23Finmanar 737 ST 750 ST
24Finganvar 750 ST 775 ST
The Hidden Kings
25Ivanstaval the Elder 775 ST 783 ST
26Orvanstavalves 783 ST 795 ST
27Oranvil 795 ST 820 ST
28Vestorfin the Dodger 820 ST 830 ST
29Elmaldes 830 ST 840 ST
30Dingorsvan 840 ST 850 ST
The Revealed Kings
31Orvamarth 852 ST 899 ST
32Androrfin the Older 899 ST 919 ST
33Beselbarn 919 ST 921 ST
The Rebel Kings
34Andrin the Mover 923 ST 950 ST
35Andrin the Stag 950 ST 970 ST
36Andrin Halfcloak 970 ST 990 ST
37Orstevin 990 ST 1015 ST
38Orsaldes 1015 ST 1035 ST
The New Kingdom
39Andrin the Conqueror 1035 ST 1050 ST
40Andrar 1050 ST 1070 ST
41Davisin 1070 ST 1080 ST
42Berevenos the Hendriki 1080 ST 1090 ST
43Manavar the Hendriki 1090 ST 1119 ST
44Andrin the Short 1119 ST 1120 ST
New Traditionalist Kings
45Velhendrik 1125 ST 1132 ST
46Velorlanth 1132 ST 1143 ST
47Desarvinos 1143 ST 1149 ST
48Finelvanth 1149 ST 1168 ST
49Deserlanda 1168 ST 1176 ST
50Ivanstaval the Younger 1176 ST 1187 ST
51Volstaval 1187 ST 1189 ST
52Forndrin 1189 ST 1190 ST
53Elmaldes the Strong 1190 ST 1212 ST
54Orgar the Wise 1212 ST 1230 ST
55Androrfin Rainface 1230 ST 1242 ST
56Selellanth 1242 ST 1255 ST
57Aventevus the Younger 1255 ST 1267 ST
58Silkinister 1267 ST 1274 ST
59Elmaldes Blue Eyes 1274 ST 1285 ST
60Starkvaldes 1285 ST 1295 ST
61Elmaldes the Sailor 1295 ST 1302 ST
62Andrin the Stouthearted 1302 ST 1317 ST
Interregnum (see Governor of Heortland) 1317 ST 1617 ST
63Broyan of Whitewall 1617 ST 1625 ST

Source: Guide to Glorantha, History of the Heortling Peoples, King of Sartar
