The current Prince of Sartar
- Also known as Kallyr Starbrow due to the Star on her brow.
- She is Queen of the Kheldon
- She is a Storm Voice of Orlanth and a High Priest of Orlanth Rex
- She has a Star God (Polaris? as a lover.
- She is haughty and volatile.
- She is known for fits of shouting and accusations.
- Strangers find her too difficult to work with.
- Daughter of Loricon Rastoronsson and Enerin Ironeye
- She was born to the Black Rock Clan in 1586 ST
- She led the Starbrow's Revolt of 1613 ST
- When the rebellion was crushed, she was exiled to Whitewall.
- There, she entered the service of King Broyan of Whitewall
- When Broyan was killed, in 1625 ST, she became the leader of the Sartarite Exiles in Hendriki
- With Olaront Dragonfriend and others, she performed the ritual to cause the Dragonrise
- She then liberated Boldhome and Jonstown
- After her victory at the Battle of Dangerford, she was acclaimed Prince..
- She will fail badly in the Short Lightbringers Quest, suffering unhealable wounds.
- She will be killed at the Battle of the Queens on Day 98 of 1626 ST
- Her body will taken to the Temple to Orlanth in Boldhome, where it lay unburnt on a pyre
- After three weeks, the Colymar Tribe burnt her body and left the city.