Kingdom established by Jonat Bigbear
- Jonatela has 1.7 million inhabitants.
- Its capital is Okarnia
- The majority of Jonatelans are Orlanthi
- Their lords are Malkioni but largely do so to retain the support of the local wizardry.
- They were originally Rathori but lost their connection to Rathor
- The King is Congern II
- He rules over a superfically Malkioni nobility.
- A Royal Governor is present at Stonefort
- Etkris is said to be the capital but precise arrangements are not described.
- The King of Cliff Palace is semi-independent.
- A Royal Governor assists Queen Kira of Parach in her rule of Stomble.
- Ayos is ruled by a loyal noble family.
- Royal Governors are present as Distalos and Srodos
- The people of Golaros River, ie the cities of Doleford, Ingoldstown and Vorthan's Hill are ruled by nobles appointed by the King.
- The nobles field contingents of armoured Knights and Footmen.
- The royal champion is Jarngror the Killer.
- The peasants worship Ernalda
- The nobility revere the Invisible God, Jonat, Talor, Humakt, Orlanth, Vorthan and Urox
- Ernalda is worshipped at Mother's Hill
- She has a temple city in Parach dedicated to her benign and malign aspects.
- Humakt is worshipped at Ayos by wolf-skinned priests.
- He has a shrine in the Courtyard of Sacrifices in Okarnia
- He has a shrine in Wirot's Fort
- A large Yew Tree is sacred to him in Yew Fort
Invisible God[]
- A centre of learning established by the Wizard Ethirajan is at High Fort
- Jonat established an Old Seshnelan cenobitic school at Kerantos
- The Sect of the Eight is resident in Srodos
- Ingoldstown is sacred to Issaries.
- Jonat Bigbear is entombed at Jonat's Hill
- He has a srhine in the Courtyard of Sacrifices in Okarnia
- Orlanth is worshipped at Ayos by wolf-skinned priests.
- He has a shrine in the Courtyard of Sacrifices in Okarnia
- He has a shrine in Wirot's Fort
- Talor is worshipped at Ayos by wolf-skinned priests.
- He has a shrine in the Courtyard of Sacrifices in Okarnia
Other Gods[]
- Bakan the Boar and his sister Frona are revered in Bakanos
- Beljak as an unnamed Beer goddess.
- The miners of Enneserah worship Ganestos
- Hykim and Eurmal are worshipped at Meranos
- Barntar is worshipped at Mother's Hill
- The people of Olatha worship a large stone that fell from the Sky Dome
- Redel is worshipped at Redel's Home and Redelos
- Redelos is haunted by the Badalisc, a trickster.
- Nakala is worshipped at Tamalior
Other Heroes[]
- Tualon was killed at Doleford
- Wirot slew the Iron Wolf and built Wirot's Fort
- Dakal formed the Kingdom of Dakal at Ayos
- Urox has a shrine in the Courtyard of Sacrifices in Okarnia
- Vorthan has a shrine in the Courtyard of Sacrifices in Okarnia
- Vorthan's Hill is sacred to him.
- Founded by Jonat Bigbear at the end of the Imperial Age
- It had seemingly vanished circa 1250 ST but had been restored two centuries later.
- In 1500 ST, Jonatela fell under the Ban; because it was disunited at the time, the Ban isolated parts of the Kingdom from each other.
- In 1597 ST, the Timms was freed from the Ban.
- In 1616 ST, Royal Jonatela became free of the Ban. The Prince of Timms refused to submit to the King claiming that the Ban had proven his independence.
- In 1619 ST, the King began seizing castles in Timms to force the submission of its Count.