God of Trade and Communication in the Storm Tribe.
- He is a son of Larnste and Harana Ilor.
- He is one of the Lightbringers.
- He has three sons:
- His Runes are Communication and Movement.+
- His Hall and Tent are near Karulinoran.
- Iverlanthus identified him on the Gods Wall as figure II-20.
Myths and Deeds[]
- He was one of the members of the First Ring
- He got the Scorch from the Orlanth's First Ring
- He settled Garza,a trading camp.
- During the Lightbringers Quest, he successfully bargained with Jeset.
Likes and Dislikes[]
Holy Days[]
- Each of the Wildday of Movement Week
- Secret Way Day, his high holiday
- Issarites are the merchants, traders and the people who handling communication in the Heortling community.
- His cult teaches Tradetalk
- His greatest temple is Great Issaries Temple in Nochet
- He provides magic of pathwatching and bargaining.
- He is associated with:
- The Silvertongue Feat
- The Path Watch Feat
- Worshippers who cheat or steal from their own are cursed with Raw Greed.
- Autero Glodentongue
- Garzeen Silvertongue
- Harst Bronzetongue
- Issaries the Guide
- Thereltero, or Herald Goodword