Leader and demigod of the Beast Valley.
- Son of Ner Jalari
- His uncle is the Great Horse
- He has reincarnated several times.
- The most recent reappearance was in 1615 ST
- Associated with him is:
- Ironhoof's Wrestling Ground
- Ironhoof's Causeway
- The New Animals' Boundary
- He was chosen as the leader in the Tantar's Rock.
- He had a Council.
- He founded the tribe of Grazers from the Pain Centaurs, or he just granted them the land north of Beast Valley.
- He defeated the Berenkon the Nose.
- With the Gifts of the Eye, he visited Odayla and the Deep Hunter.
- He mated with the Lady of the Wild and fathered a son, Harrjeen
- Yanasdros, the first Grazer King, is also referred to as his son
- He is the first King of Dragon Pass.
- He was king as early as 1180 ST