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A mystical state of awareness popular in the Empire of Light.

  • Rashorana is considered the traditional source of Illumination.
  • Nysalorean and Arkati philosophy, Lunar Sevening, draconic and Vithelan mysticism, Umbarism, the Cult of Silence, and some God Learner knowledge are all considered approaches to Illumination or a similar state of consciousness.
  • Illumination is practiced within the Lunar Empire but the authorities prefer the more orthodox approach (while often called Illumination) of Sevening.
  • Illumination is monitored in the Empire by Examiners
  • According to Dara Happans, Illumination has its origins in a Yelmic practice since Yelm himself is Illuminated.
  • Humakt and Uleria are also described as being Illuminated.
  • Arkat himself was a teacher of Illumination, as many members of Arkati cults are Illuminated.
  • Illumination is condemned in almost all societies outside of Kralorela and the Lunar Empire.
  • The process of becoming illuminated is a lengthy process involving the recognition of doubts about the nature of the Cosmos.
  • Illuminates recognize that the Cosmos to some extent is unreal.
  • As a result of this knowledge, Illuminates are:
  • freed from the chaotic and other horrific entities,
  • free to ignore religious restrictions and taboos,
  • immune to divine reprisal,
  • invisible to magics and abilities to sense evil-doing,
  • able to combine incompatible rune affinities,
  • able to sense other Illuminates, and
  • free to teach others this knowledge.
  • Illuminates can fall victim to the (false) realization that since there is no moral difference between Cosmos and Chaos that the Illuminate's own desires are a worthy goal; this is known to the Lunars as Occlusion.

Sources: Cults of Terror, Guide to Glorantha, HeroQuest: Glorantha
