Glorantha Wiki

The Death God of the Erasanchula

  • He lusted for more power than his magics could rpovide.
  • He attempted to understand Death
  • His trial and error experiments killed hundreds.
  • He was eventually driven from Malkioni lands.
  • He is only worshipped by outcasts and evildoers.
  • He is illustrated as a gaunt old man, unkempt beard flowing to his belly.
  • He is dressed in rags and carries a sword.
  • He is wall-eye, dirty and open sore splotch his face and hands.
  • Identified as Humakt
  • Given his associated with Humct Garlo, he may be worshipped in Umathela

Sources: Guide to Glorantha, Cults of Runequest: The Prosopaedia
