God of Death and owner of the Death Rune.
Names and Images[]
- His name means "Sword Man" in Sartarite.
- Carmanian spelling of his name is HumAkt.
- He is the Champion of Orlanth's People
- His runes are Death and Truth
- His worshipers depict him as either:
- a sword
- a powerful, black-skinned war god wearing a helmet and bearing a sword.
- Outsiders depict him as a ferocious, black-skinned demon bearing a sword.
- He was one of the sons of Umath.
- His Runes are Death and Truth.
- He is the primary Source of the Death Rune
- He has one son, Arkat.
- He lives in the Sword Hall which lies at the bottom of the Cliffs of Shadow.
- He has a constellation, Celestial Sword.
Myths and Deeds[]
- He was thrown into the Fighting Pit during The Initiation of Orlanth.
- He learned how to fight from Kargan Tor.
- He obtained Death from Eurmal.
- He used Death to slay Grandfather Mortal
- He travelled beyond the Gate of Introspection
- He severed kinship when Orlanth stole his sword.
- He defeated the great monster which may be known or Jotimam.
- He tracked down the pieces of Death that had spread across the world killed their owners.
- He killed Orlanth and sent him to the underworld.
- In the Underworld, Humakt and Orlanth came to a new agreement
Likes and Dislikes[]
- He hates the Undead
- He has a feud with Zorak Zoran.
- He is enemy to Ikadz.
Holy Days[]
- His runelords are called "Swords" in older literature.
- Mainly worshiped by Orlanthi and Carmanians.
- His worship has been taken up by some of Praxian tribes.
- He is also worshiped by Durulz and the Sword Broos.
Dragon Pass[]
- He has a Temple at Grex
There is a concept of Humakti Battalion as the Ten-Thousand, but such gathering occurred only two times in history, against Gbaji and against the True Golden Horde.
- The Warleader commands the battalion.
- The battalion is divided into units of a hundred men (commanded by a Hundred Thane) and ten men (commanded by Ten Thanes).
- Horn Blower is part of the bodyguards of Warleader.
- Each hundreds has own Armorer and Healer.
- He gifts a power in exchange of a geas.
- He curses all apostates with Swordbreaker which shatters any sword.
- Cremation Isle
- Humakt's Hill
- Jonstown House of Death
- Six Stones
- Sword Hill
- Temple of the Wooden Sword
- Temple to Humakt in Boldhome
- Temple to Humakt in Formigar
- Temple to Humakt in New Pavis
- Tourney Altar