Glorantha Wiki

Collection "What My Father Told Me" and "Teaching of Holyman" of Each Cultures.

Table of References[]

NoMajor CategoryLineagePersonal ViewerFamilyMinor CategoryHolymanNote
1Bison People FatherVanish Rib-CrusherSkull Bat Clan(Flower Bison Clan)-Tribal ShamanClan appeared in the Travels of Biturian Varosh
2Dara Happans FatherVuranesh House UrvakusInduppaStar SeerEsvuthil, see map of the Lunar Empire
3Esrolians MotherImarjarin Seven-shrines Hulta Family of City PennelOld Earth Alliance Earth Woman-
4Esvulari MotherMesinthe, wife of Sir ChotaranTown BeauchiefA town of the SaltpointLiturgist-
5Grazers War ChiefJalorast Shining ArmHoof-Dancer Clan Maregraze Vale, Jaldon's Wrong RiverShaman-
6Heortlings FatherAski Harbardsson Varmandi Clan Colymar Tribe PriestArfritha Vale?
7Puma PeopleGrandmother-Walen FamilyBlacktuft LineageSkull CrusherGelerfield
8Seshnegi FatherSir HarfienVandervasse FamilyBormandyWizardNoyelle County
9Tarshites FatherEirik Pavelsson Icerni ClanGeroini TribeLunar PriestessEast of Kordros Island
10Teshnans ProprietorMaheshurganFourth Open House of ExchangeDistrict of Bara in Dajanapol RaburZitr-
11Doraddi UncleHawaja KiwatiiKiwartii FamilyMaddrun TribeChieftainInstamiru (Sweet Clover) Lineage
12Kralori FatherBi Yao of Tan LoBi Dan FamilyBeizu, outside of City FuknamaDragon LordHanjan Province
13Rathori UncleGaskor BiggrowlGreyknoll ClanBlack Bear People Bear ShamanEastern Fronela
14Aldryami Wood PriestessSweet Voice of the AlderAlder GroveRiver of Rainbow TroutGardener-
15Uz Great One (Mother)-Ergnabs Clan Dagori Inkarth Night Hag-
16Mostali ForemanCaptain IraskalobbiSecond Expeditionary Force Nidan Decamony, Iron DwarvesGold Diamondwarf-
17Ludoch StorytellerOolah EaolashGreen Damsel FamilyEacheshia Eeasi (Scarlet Coral Clan)Voice of the DeepChoralinthor Bay