Former Queen of Esrolia
- She was a lunar sympathizer
- She lead Red Earth Alliance.
- She belonged to tje Norinel Family
- She was a granddaughter of Norina
- She was a daughter-in-law of Valinalda
- She was forced from Nochet in 1622 ST
- She was killed in 1624 ST
- She was 35 in 1616 ST giving her a birthdate of 1581 ST
- She became Queen in 1610 ST
- Her husbands were Jarstakos of Dalaeo and Hendrestos of Delainaeo
- She enjoyed the support of the Grandmothers' Council
- She has a bodyguard of Shadow Plateau mercenaries due to her alliance with the Eldest Kin
- Although not actually Governor of Esrolia, she represented Esrolia on the Full Council
- she was deposed in 1622 ST
- She died in 1624 ST
Sources: King of Sartar, Prince of Sartar Webzine, Glorantha Sourcebook