A famous Heortling hero of the Gbaji Wars
- Son of Hardrinor Eringulfsson.
- He was born in Orostaban in 393 ST
- Vargast Redhand initiated him into the cult of Orlanth.
- He had many children, some of whom are Borniskis, Senmniskis, Destorniskis Farleaper, Small Harmast, Evil Veribur, Benarth, Harmast of the Orgovaltes, Masniskis, Sevanron and Arnelanth.
- His runes are Mastery, Storm and Man
- He can be reached near Barntar's Farmstead for information on the Westfaring
- He was born in 393 ST
- He was initiated in 411 ST, releasing Orlanth from Gbaji's bondage.
- He rescued Arkat in the Lightbringers Quest in 420 ST.
- He returned to his home in 439 ST after the Battle of the Fields of Ash
- He met his sons in 444 ST
- He later rescued Talor on his second Lightbringers Quest in 448 ST
- Harmast retired to his farm.
HeroQuests (Storm Tribe)[]
- If true, this means the last visit took place in 422 ST which cannot be right.
- He fought the Star Warriors at the Battle of the Thrinbarri Clouds two times.
- He stood on the Lightbringers Path four times; at the Bridge of Scythes, the Crucible Gate, the Bridge over Corpses and Where Karrg was Defeated
- In 414 ST, he witnessed the marriage of Orlanth and Ernalda on the God Plane
- He rode the Wild Winter Winds
- He viewed the Palace of the Sky
- On his eighth journey (420 ST?), he fought at the Battle of Daranstoro and was the only questor to survive.
- His last trip as an initiate was to receive the Second Initiation; he travelled to Karulinoran and was praised by Drogarsi, received pledges from two heroes and was witnessed by Alusu
- Harmast became a devotee here?
- On his thirteenth journey, he went to the Thrinbarri Clouds again in the Bad Year; he survived the Celestial Archers and struck Palangio from his mount.
- The fourteenth journey was to the Nennorion Tower where he gained the Nennorion Shield and hunted in the Blue Forest
- The fifteenth journey was to the Hill of Gold; he followed the Uz to the Cave of Teeth
- The sixteenth journey was to Lord Aranvak's Cavern in the Ironwoods to seek advice on the Westfaring; he returned with Hyriam the scribe.
- The last journey before the Lightbringers Quest, he went to the Firewoods and fought Palangio again.
- He gets sacrifice on Initiation Day.
- His stories are known in Harmast's Saga.