Current Dragon Emperor of Kralorela.
- His predecessor was Shang Hsa.
- He is called Hidden Emperor for his personal history
- His shadow takes the form of a Dragon.
- His runes are Dragon, Mastery, Harmony and Stasis
Imperial Age[]
- Was a young belt buckle salesman in Hsin Yin of Shiyang.
- When the God Learners invaded, he fled Kralorela.
- He was a slave in Bliss in Ignorance.
- Comment: Considering that the Exarchs fled to Ignorance after Yanoor passed on, who exactly were Godunya's slave masters?
- He escaped and found refuge in Dragon Pass under the EWF.
- He studied in a monastery there and taught Kralori wisdom.
- He then left and meditated on the Plateau of Statues to bring about the War in Heaven.
Modern Age[]
- The Kralori retrieved him.
- He resurrected Heseroon Marn
- He built the Seven Bridges across the Suam Chow.
- He fought Sheng Seleris.