A bestiary of creatures for Glorantha.
- It described the following creatures
- Baluchitheres, Bison, Charnjibber, Cockatrice, Gargoyles, Gobblers, Gremlins, Grotarons, Grues, Gulpers, High Llamas, Hoons, Huan To, Lesser Hydras, Impalas, Krarshtkid, Manatees, Midget Slashers, Nightriders, Nightstalkers, Nilmergs, Rubble Runners, Sabretooths, Sables, Shadow Cats, Skybulls, Succubuses, Titanotheres, Tuskers, Watchwere
- And the following Elder Races
- Baboons, Cetoi, Dwerulans, Embyli, Enlos, Gray Giants, Gnydrons, Gorgers, Hoolars, Jelmre, Jolanti, Lucans, Ludochs, Magisaurs, Malasps, Morokanth, Mreli, Murthoi, Myrmidon, Muri, Newtlings, Orveltors, Ouori, Piscoi, Rascullu, Runners, Sea Trolls, Slarges, Slorifings, Snangs, Surutrans, Scythanni, Timinits, Tusk Riders, Voralans, Vronkali, Uzdo, Uzhim, Uzuz, Waertagi, Wind Child, Ysabbau, Zabdamar