Father of Shang Hsa
- Son of a noble who was dispossessed.
- He hid among robbers and with them regained his fathers rights.
- He then helped some holy folk overcome their foes, wrote a book before being killed by a rival.
- According to the Kralori, he then reincarnated within his own son, destroying his soul, and becoming the future emperor Shang Hsa.
- Believed by the Kralori to be an incarnation of Mao Tzen
- The activities of Gilam reportedly took place long before the conquest of Kralorela.
- It's more probable that Shang Hsa was also called Gilam in his youth and the story of the reincarnation was a Kralori slander.
- Given the family name of D'Estau, it seems the lands he was dispossessed from was either Nolos or Estaurenic