The Ancient Moon Goddess of Suffering.
- She is part of the Red Goddess.
- Her runes are Earth, Death and Moon
- Also known as gKa and Our Mother the Shadow
- She was once a powerful goddess but brought terrible punishments upon herself for her haughtiness.
- She then descended into the Throne of Woe to reach the Underworld
- Herustana saved her in the great Flood.
- Considered Sedenya's Warmth Portion.
- Her Pit is on the Island of Grief on the Despair Ocean.
- Her holy day is Suffering Day, which is celebrated on Day 240.
- She appears on the Gods Wall at IV-16.
- She may also be associated with the Celestial Hag Constellation
- Her cult is led by the Chief Agonizer
- Other cultic positions include:
- General ranks of cultists include:
- She is depicted as a suffering, crying woman, either being tormented by demons or having her limbs removed.
Sources: Glorious ReAscent, Entekosiad, Guide to Glorantha, Cults of Runequest: The Prosopaedia