A region of Dragon Pass north of Sartar and east of Tarsh.
- Also known as the Far Point
- Most of it is over 3000 feet above sea level.
- It is very wet due to Skyfall Lake.
- Some places receive more than 100 inches a year.
- In winter, it receives heavy snowfalls.
- It numbers 32,500 people as of 1620 ST
- The people of Far Place are Tarshites
- The Amad and Bachad Tribes have been forced into servitude.
- Tarkalor the Huge mustered an army of 9,000 men in the Tarshite Civil War
- They worship Orlanth and Ernalda
- Odayla and Kolat are unusually prominent here.
- Heler's worship is prominent due to the presense of Skyfall Lake
- 1,000 people worship Yelmalio, mostly within the Vantaros Tribe
- They follow the Ernaldan priestesses of the Tarsh Exiles rather than Greenstone or Clearwine
- They looked to Kero Fin and the Shaker's Temple for religion.
- During the Tarshite Civil War to defend themselves from Darkness and Chaos, the Far Place took up worship of the Golden Spearman, a lowland deity from the north.
- This triggered a schism in the mid-1500s when Lunar magicians proved the Golden Spearman to be a son of Yelm
- Tarkalor Trollkiller brought peace - the Elmali of Aldachur recognized the Golden Spearman as Yelmalio but this was rejected by Ironspike
- Initially the Far Place was aloof in Tarsh's wars against the Lunar Empire
- After 1390 ST, the Far Place suffered raids from the trolls of the Indigo Mountain Tribe
- Fort Engoli was built to protect Aldachur against the troll raids.
- However the Far Place eventually became part of Tarsh in exchange for protection against the trolls.
- Before 1420 ST a feud blighted Aldachur.
- The losers then settled Ironspike
- This triggered raids from the Skyfall Lake trolls.
- The raids were ended in the Battle of Ironspike
- During the Tarshite Civil War, Tarkalor the Huge united the Far Place into a confederation with himself as Warlord
- Tarkalor was defeated in 1451 ST while besieging Talfort
- A Chaos Flood erupted from Snakepipe Hollow as the defeated remants returned home.
- Tovtarsar Gaptooth then became Warlord of the Aldachuri
- He attacked Tarsh after 1455 ST in the wake of an army from Sylila but took heavy losses.
- In 1460 ST, he swore loyalty to Illaro and helped him against the Telmori
- The Aldachuri started worshipping the Golden Spearman.
- After the Golden Spearman destroyed the Trolls with a brilliant sunspear, he received a shrine in the Elmali Temple
- In 1490 ST, the Far Place revolted against the regency of HonEel.
- They refused to surrender after the Battle of Dancing Sisters
- They were attacked in 1517 ST by a new Chaos Flood from the Hollow.
- They acknowledge King Sartar as King of Dragon Pass but did not join his kingdom.
- They acknowledged Palashee as their King and aided him nin the Great Boar Hunt
- They supported Palashee at the Battle of Karnge Farm
- Sartar came to their aid when the Lunars invaded in 1565 ST along with a new Chaos Flood.
- The Lunars invaded again in 1582 ST after the Battle of Grizzly Peak and besieged Aldachur
- The Far Place joined Sartar then.
- A son of Terasarin married a woman chieftain from the Tovtaros Tribe
- A road was bult from the Isle Dangerous to Aldachur.
- Alone was founded in this point.
- In 1585 ST, exiles from Vaantar were given refuge by the Yelmalions of Aldachur, causing estrangement.
- In 1611 ST, Harvar swore fealty to King Pharandros of Tarsh
- In 1613 ST, the Dinacoli Tribe joined as a result of the failure of Starbrow's Revolt