Administrators of the provinces and other offices of the Kralori Empire
- They head the priesthoods which regulate the spiritual needs of the commoners.
- They directly receive worship and admiration from them
- They direct the worship to whatever need or purpose they or the Dragon Emperor may require.
- They have great draconic powers, but rarely use them, since to do so would slow their spiritual progress.
- Known Exarchs include:
- The Exarch of the South at the city of Lingting in Boshan
- The Exarch of the Gate at the city of Lungren Men in Boshan
- Boshi Bushi, exarch of Xie Dao in Modaings
- The White Exarch of Bai Fu in Jaubon
- The Blue Exarch of Xi Ting in Puchai
- An Exarch is reported for Baihu in Shiyang but his name and title is not given.
- The Exarch-Commandant of Justice is noted as issuing a seal for a Judge in the city of Yangku in Jaubon
- Historical Exarchs include:
- The Exarch of Righteous Harmony in Si Di of Puchai
- Spurious Exarchs include:
- Can Shu, the Exarch of Bliss in Ignorance
- The Invisible Exarch, rumoured head of the Red Flower Benevolent Society in the Hanjan City of Chang Tsai
- The Monkey Exarch of Hou Shi in Modaings
- Although the scheme is that each province has its own exarch, the list of known exarchs has its problems.
- Most importantly Boshan has two Exarchs although admittedly one could be for the Bridge
- The known Exarch on Modaings is far removed from obvious centres of power in his province: i.e. he's based on a remote island.
Sources: Guide to Glorantha, Cults of Runequest: The Prosopaedia